Kalibro is a cloud-based solution that allows you to replace filling out paper order forms for field workers with data entry through a mobile application. Mobile employees receive real-time tasks from the operator with the necessary forms to fill out. The results entered into the forms are transmitted to the operator’s server. The service also allows you to track the stages of task completion and view the statistics of each employee.
Construction services
Mobile and Web Design
3 months
As I received first inputs from my client about this project, I realized that this is quite a small project for mobile app, but very unique. After few days of research it was hard to find similar app on the market, but I managed to find one which was close enough, but a bit different. The app needed to be very simple and intuitive for its target audience, which are mostly on site engineers or service personnel.
I was required to design clean and big interface elements for this project. The app is is based on card design, because it gives clear feeling of each element. In this case every application is a separate card and every separate card inside an application is a new item.
I delivered soft touch feeling by applying somewhat claymorphism elements and icons. I followed such design direction to easily extend design system in the future when client will want to add more features and functions in this app.
Color pallete for this project was chosen from two basic accent colors: Azure Blue and Queen Blue. This combination of colors please my client, so we chose to not stick with brand colors of Kalibro, because they are planning to add more apps and features to this project, making current Kalibro app a separate mini-app for a more sophisticated project.
I thought the best font for claymorphism style should have rounded corners with more attractive shapes. Nunito is a perfect choice for this style of UI. It’s not strict and it’s not childish at the same time, something in the middle.
In a short period of time we achived a lot of goals that were set by my client, who wanted fast, clean and usable interface for his small project. After working and talking to several on site engineers and service staff I managed to bring simple, yet powerful interface together to make this app become a helpful tool for busy people in construction market.
I am always happy to make new friends and talk about their project or just chat about this and that. Give it a try. Set an appointment.